Since 2009, The River (another local church) has been going to the Philippines on Missions. Our church, Valley Christian Church has teamed up with them to send Christians to places that others do not go. We have doctors, nurses, pastors, and church members taking the love of God with them to the wonderful people of the Philippines.
What are we doing?
¨ Medical clinics with Doctors and Nurses - Infants to adults will get a medical checkup, many of them for the first time of their lives.
¨ Children’s Ministry - Introducing Christ to kids.
¨ Teen Discipleship Course - Continuing our discipleship training with 51+ teenagers. We support a Pastor in the Philippines that travels to the little towns on the Island of Leyte doing weekly studies with many students.
“Whoever welcomes this little child in my name welcomes me; and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me. For it is the one who is least among you all who is the greatest.”
How do we support year round?
Throughout the year we support the students in the Philippines who are part of the discipleship program. They learn how to live for God on a daily basis from a Pilipino Missionary that we finance. We provide finances each month so they can go to school (they pay for each test), eat lunch (school does not provide lunch), and transportation to school (no student buses). This allows them to stay in school and provides a future for them and their families.
How can you help?
We ask for prayer and lots of it! Pray for the team and the people we will come in contact with.
We also need financial support if you feel led by God to give. The cost of the trip is $2500 per person (most for the airline ticket).
Scan the QR code above to donate a tax deductible donation
Where are we exactly?
We will be on the island of Leyte near the town of Tacloban. We will travel to the small towns of Anahaway, Babatngon, Tanauan, and a island called Bato for medical missions.